Friday, February 5, 2021


Abbreviations are abbreviated types of words or protracted expressions. You'll see them in pretty much every order and everyday issue, from ordinarily utilized truncations in names or titles for example, "Jan." for "January." The truncated type of "shortened form" is "abbr."— or, less usually, "abbrv." or "abbrev." The abbreviation comes from the Latin word brevis signifying "short."

  • approx. - approximately
  • appt. - appointment
  • apt. - apartment
  • A.S.A.P. - as soon as possible
  • Ave. - Avenue
  • ACE - a cool experience
  • AD - awesome dude
  • AFAIK - as far as I know
  • AFK - away from keyboard
  • ANI - age not important
  • B.Y.O.B. - bring your own bottle, used for parties where guests are expected to bring their own drinks or restaurants that don't sell alcohol.
  • Blvd. - Boulevard
  • BA - Bachelor of Arts
  • BS - Bachelor of Science
  • BRB - be right back
  • CUL - see you later
  • CWYL - chat with you later
  • Cyn. - Canyon
  • c/o - care of, used when sending mail to someone who's not at their usual address
  • dept. - department
  • D.I.Y. - Do it yourself
  • CMO - Chief Marketing Officer
  • CFO - Chief Financial Officer
  • CEO - Chief Executive Officer
  • IIRC - if I recall/remember correctly
  • IQ - ignorance quotient
  • LOL - laugh out loud
  • NP - no problem
  • ROFL - rolling on the floor laughing
  • TY - thank you
  • WC - wrong conversation
  • est. - established
  • E.T.A. - estimated time of arrival
  • min. - minute or minimum
  • misc. - miscellaneous
  • Mr. - Mister
  • Mrs. - Mistress (pronounced Missus)
  • no. - number
  • R.S.V.P. - Répondez, s'il vous plait, this initialism comes from the French for "please reply." It's used on invitations to parties and events and is intended (as it says) to be responded to with a "yes, we will attend," or "no, we will not."
  • tel. - telephone
  • temp. - temperature or temporary
  • vet. - veteran or veterinarian
  • vs. - versus

  • ABBREVIATIONS are a typical piece of our lives, they save us exist in our composed correspondence. At the end of the day, nearly anything you need to do, from true archives to instant messages, will expect you to know a condensing or two. Recollect that albeit a condensing generally comprises of a letter or gathering of letters taken from a word or expression, that is not generally the situation, particularly on account of estimations. Keep investigating shortenings by figuring out how to make them plural.


Abbreviations are abbreviated types of words or protracted expressions. You'll see them in pretty much every order and everyday issue, f...